Our mission is to provide viable solutions for our customer's problems through sound scientific research and development to satisfy their needs with qaulity cutting edge products with efficient manufacturing practices and unparalleled commitment to customer support and service.
We are a SABS approved company with the SABS 1828 and SABS 1853 mark of approval on some of our products. We are audited bi-annually by SABS - keeping a high standard of quality in our facility. We will always be about quality and innovation. It is our passion that motivates us to produce the best and most innovative products that science will allow. We are only limited by our imaginations and beliefs and that with creative thinking in a fast changing world we will and are creating value and satisfying our customers and ourselves.
SYNDET sees our customers as our partners in business. Our success is dependent upon theirs, and theirs in ours. We understand that quality, service and cutting edge technology is of utmost importance. For us, it goes beyond that. It must include human connections, partnerships and passions to see both parties succeed.
Our Enviroment is fragile and we must look after it. We must be good stewards, be responsible with the earth's resources to develop safe chemistry today - than to clean up bad chemistry tomorrow. We must protect our enviroment as we protect our children.
Our Future has made us who we are today. We live in a world that is under threat with pollution and climate changes therefore to survive we must continue to innovative with "out of the box" thinking to secure our future and make us who we will be tomorrow.